Happy ever after isn’t coming

Stop wasting your time

Deano Hewitts
2 min readOct 28, 2022

Stop looking for that happy ever after; you will feel fear daily.

As an artist, I know how crippling fear can be. But what’s even more crippling is the constant need to put your happiness in some abstract future that’s full of butterflies and hugs.

I’ve had my fair share of hurdles in life, but I’m not naïve enough to think there isn’t more to come. We are always going to feel fear, we’re always going to have tough times, and we’re always going to question whether it can get better.

What if we could lean into those facts and stop wasting so much time being victims of our past and heroes of our future?

One thing I always remind myself of is that regardless of how bad it gets, I’ll still cope. I will cope. It might be hard, but I’ll cope. What if we could all remember how capable we are to withstand storms and simultaneously find strength and purpose in leaning into a whole experience?

Pain is hard enough as it is; we don’t need the added burden of wishing it away and the anxiety that comes with fighting it.

Let it in, feel it all and use it. Use it as your creative fuel; isn’t that what humans have always done? We go through shit, and we come out the other side with a song, a book or a piece of art.

That’s what my art has always done for me; it’s been a place to express things that hurt in my body. It’s been the hidden gem when I’ve delved into the depths of darkness, and that’s what I want it to remind you of.

So maybe, just for today, let’s stop wishing we were elsewhere and just feel every emotion we’re feeling and fully feel them. Process them. And finally, make something from it.

On my journey to becoming an artist and thoroughly enjoying the ups and downs. Visit my website & sign up to my newsletter to be kept up to date on my upcoming exhibitions and launches.

